off like a bucket of prawns in the midday sun

off like a bucket of prawns in the midday sun
полностью сгнивший, гнилой, вонючий

English-Russian australian expression. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "off like a bucket of prawns in the midday sun" в других словарях:

  • Be off like a bucket of prawns in the midday sun — 1. leave very quickly; 2. become extremely rotten; stinking …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • be off like a bucket of prawns in the midday sun — Australian Slang 1. leave very quickly; 2. become extremely rotten; stinking …   English dialects glossary

  • off — /ɒf / (say of) adverb 1. away from a position occupied, or from contact, connection, or attachment: to take off one s hat; the handle has come off. 2. to or at a distance from, or away from, a place: to run off. 3. away or out of association or… …  

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